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Less is More

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

A little help from a Realtor...

Written by Julie McCormick

REALTOR, MK Partners Inc.


One of the most important tasks you can accomplish when getting ready to put your house on the market is to declutter. It's a win-win situation! You are accomplishing two tasks at once: You are packing up and organizing for your move, and most importantly you are making you house more attractive to potential buyers.

So take one room at a time. Pack up everything you won't need such as seasonal clothing, seasonal decorations, collections (please.... it is not time to show off your precious moments collection). Go ahead and pack as much as you can into your moving boxes, and don't forget to label them. Next, donate unwanted items or have a garage sale. A garage sale is a great opportunity to announce to your neighbors and guests that your house will be hitting the market soon.

Your motivation for decluttering is the result of your closets and rooms feeling bigger to your buyers, and the less items they have to look past.... the better. Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. They are trying to look past your stuff, and envision themselves living in your home.

I suggest only leaving essentials on the countertops. In the kitchen, I suggest only leaving the coffee maker, soap dispenser and paper towels on the counter. In the bathroom I would only have a hand towel and soap dispenser displayed. No one wants to see personal care items, so tuck them away in a cabinet.

So get busy packing,! You are moving on... and the more you pack now, the less you have to deal with later. Most closing happen in 30-45 days and all your items will need to be out of your house before closing time.

Julie McCormick, Oklahoma REALTOR, MK Partners Inc, 179404,

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